Unicorn Wands
3D Prints, Autodesk Fusion 360 / Lulzbot Taz 5, 2019
This project was to create our own artifact with a backstory behind it to understand the concept of how an object can become an artifact and the idea of how the uses of what makes an artifact unique through the context of its history and backstory behind it. For my artifacts, I have 3D printed two types of unicorn wands; one with a small horn with a longer handle and the other with a longer horn with a shorter handle.
Artifacts Backstory
During the summer, after I got off work, I went to the antique shop to see if there were any new items that were on display. I browsed through the shelves, seeing many unusual, ancient-looking items, but then my attention fell on two colorful wands. Noticing my curiosity, the store owner approached me and asked if I wanted to hear the story about them. She proceeded to tell me that a very long time ago, unicorns existed in our world, but were all wiped out due to human greed and their lust for power. Unicorns were rare creatures, and once lived in forests, protecting the life within it. They were gifted with magical healing powers deep within their horns. The store owner then explained to me that unicorns were docile and well-behaved creatures. But if any unicorns were to misbehave by turning aggressive the other unicorns would use their magic to cure their attitude. When the humans discovered their existence, they wanted that power for themselves. Soon after, humans hunted unicorns for their horns to create magic wands. Two types of wands were commonly made; the first wand is built with a long horn which is from an adult unicorn possessing the most amount of magic who can cure fatal wounds like broken bones or diseases, while the second wand is built with a shorter horn, from a juvenile unicorn that hasn’t reached their full power yet can cure minor wounds like cuts or itches. So depending on the length and the spiral around the horn, it signifies the age and magic level of a unicorn. The least known and dangerous wand was the ones created by aggressive unicorns that humans caught before they were cured by the other unicorns.Those wands were used for destruction and evil. Once all the unicorns became extinct, the magic was lost and the wands lost their powers as well. After hearing the story I bought the wands in hope that power will return someday.